Prayer Shawls

Hello...this blog is going to be information on the Prayer Shawl ministry in general.

We have a small group of women at our church, Bethlehem Lutheran, who make prayer shawls called the "Prayer Shawl Angels."
Prayer Shawls are used to comfort those, male and female, in any kind of need. They can also be used for baptisms, weddings, etc. You also may request one just because... ANYONE can request a prayer shawl, not just our church members. However, do not request a prayer shawl from this site, this is for information only.

Prayer Shawls can be crocheted, knitted, sewn, quilted, woven, machine knitted or take two pieces of fleece fabric and tie them together. They are also know as comfort shawls, peace shawls and mantels. As long as they are prayed over while you make them, of after they are completed.

The intention of a prayer shawl is to shelter, comfort and/or give solace to the person receiving it. As the shawls are being made the maker prays for the future recipient. A prayer is also made before the shawl is given to the recipient, this prayer may be more specific because of possibly knowing who the shawl is going to.

Recently, several of us went to a prayer shawl ministry event at Calvary Lutheran Church (follow link to a newspaper article). This was a great experience to hear how other churches are using this ministry. A spokesperson from each church stood up and told us how they do things. If you can get a group of churches (any denomination) in your area to do this it will bring in many ideas (and pattern sources).

Prayer Quilts are another option. These are usually 3x5 feet and are nice for a lap or for a wall hanging. They can be dedicated to a certain individual during a worship service. During the dedication they are "moved" where parishioners may tie a knot for the person it goes to while saying a prayer for them.

Off to the right of this blog are links to sources for patterns and other sites in the prayer shawl ministry. If you have other site suggestions please email them to me at or post a comment here. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

The information here is great. I will invite my friends here.


Fran at Very Pashmina said...

Again, I would just like to say how I really admire your vocation for this kind of stuff. Plus, you're using a shawl which is a really great thing to have.

Judy said...

Hello my name is Judy and my mother and I are Prayer Shawl Angels we have crocheted alot of throws, shawls, and chemo caps and have taken them to hospitals, nursing homes, and cancer centers for patients but while we make them we pray over them. My Mother passed away Nov. 15, 2011, it has been very hard for me cause she lived with my husband and I for 2 years. I really miss her. I have also taught others how to crochet even in nursing homes for the patients have something to look forward to for activity. The only thing helping me through this hard time is because my mother accepted Jesus into her heart 3 weeks before she went into the hospital. Please keep me and my husband in your prayers.

A Ministry of...
Bethlehem Lutheran Church

220 Cedar Street

PO Box 344

Pemberville, OH 43450
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