Cro-hook instructions

Here are instructions I created for you to learn how to Cro-Hook, the file is in pdf format. They are for a Prayer Shawl but can be converted, by changing the number of chains and the length, to anything from a washcloth to a scarf to a full size afghan. Please download the pdf file to use for your instructions, it will be much clearer than the image below, and it won't have the words across it!

Here is a photo of one of the hooks my grandfather made for us when I was a teenager. The ones below are in a package you can purchase. Get the largest size you can to make a looser material.

To download Adobe Acrobat reader (for free) click HERE.


A Ministry of...
Bethlehem Lutheran Church

220 Cedar Street

PO Box 344

Pemberville, OH 43450
Copyright 2009 Prayer Shawl Angels All rights reserved.
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